

The ratio of followers and followings.

Search for it online and you’ll find an incredible amount of advice on how to get new followers. Some propose buying followers, while others suggest more organic approaches to gain a loyal audience. What is less mentioned, but is often practiced, is to unfollow accounts in order to achieve the golden followeratio. Understandably, for entrepreneurs, it might be important to build the hype for their brand, but is for the individuals having a good followeratio a matter of sheer ego? Or do we develop a brand around ourselves as a generally good life strategy? It is true that most of us want to be a leader rather than a follower.
There is a number of apps and services taking a different approach to achieve the golden followeratio. Some will inform you who unfollowed you, while others offer automated bot services to generate your activity.

“If you follow 100 people, around 30 will follow you back, a few days later you unfollow them all and boom! You’ll have a positive followeratio”

“My ideal followeratio is at least 2:1.”

“I’ll never have a good followeratio! I always follow more people than I have followers!”